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Tasnia farin is moving forward

In the last two years, Tasnia Farin has risen to the top of the list of actresses of this generation by soaking in the love of the audience by leaving her signature talent. It is very difficult and challenging for actors to get to the top in such a short time. But in the case of Tasnia Farin, it has been an exception. From the very beginning, he has had the opportunity to work in dramas, he has used his talent and latent talents to deepen the character and act. And so in a short time she has become the favorite actress of millions of viewers in Bangladesh. Giving a very simple example makes the point clearer. Followers on a star's Facebook page are an important issue at the moment. In the last few years, about 89 lakh followers have been following Tasnia Farin on her Facebook page. Posts about anything on his page are viewed with great interest by his fans and followers and they express their views. Everyone's opinion matters to Farin. Apart from acting in plays, Farin has received offers from several Bangladeshi producers to work in cinema. But when he got an offer to work in Kolkata's Atanu Ghosh's 'One More World', he became interested in working on the story. In the meantime, the shooting of the movie 'One More World' has been completed in more than 30 locations. Coming back from there, Farin said, “In my first movie‘ One More World ’I played the role of Pratiksha. This movie is the story of the waiting 11 year journey. Where waiting finds its true identity, finds its true refuge. But it remains to be seen whether the wait will finally get it. I am satisfied with my first movie. When the work has been done exactly as it was supposed to be done. Like Bangladesh, they are also very co-operative. Which is why I never once thought I was working with any unit outside. Atanu Dada is very clear about his work. What he wanted to do - everything was ready. I’ve just acted with the mind and I’m really looking forward to seeing it on the movie screen. reviewvaly.com reviewvaly.com reviewvaly.com reviewvaly.com reviewvaly.com reviewvaly.com reviewvaly.com reviewvaly.com reviewvaly.com reviewvaly.com reviewvaly.com reviewvaly.com reviewvaly.com reviewvaly.com reviewvaly.com reviewvaly.com reviewvaly.com reviewvaly.com reviewvaly.com reviewvaly.com reviewvaly.com reviewvaly.com reviewvaly.com reviewvaly.com reviewvaly.com reviewvaly.com reviewvaly.com reviewvaly.com reviewvaly.com reviewvaly.com reviewvaly.com reviewvaly.com

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